Health Sciences Admission Requirements

Choose from the programs below to see that program's admission requirements.

Important Program Information

Dental Hygiene is a fall-start clinical program. Students must complete the Selective Program Intent Form in order to be considered for the program. Complete this form between October 1 and February 1. Students will not be able to complete the selective program intent form after February 1. Students who miss this deadline can take general education courses via the Health Sciences program of study.


Minimum Requirements

I. High school students and students with 12 or fewer college credits completed:
  • High school Biology with a lab or NCC’s BIOS 115 with a grade of “B” or better. *
  • High school Chemistry with a lab or NCC’s CHEM 135 with a grade of “B” or better. *
  • A cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or better; 3.0 GPA or higher in both science and non-science program–specific courses (for college students with 12 or fewer credits).

II. Students with more than 12 college credits completed:

  • Most recently completed Biology course with a lab and grade of “B” or better if completed in high school, or grade of a “B-” or better if completed in college (i.e. NCC BIOS 115, BIOS 160, or BIOS 204). *
  • Most recently completed Chemistry course with a lab and grade of “B” or better if completed in high school, or grade of “B-” or better if completed in college (i.e. NCC CHEM 135). *
  • A cumulative GPA of 2.7 in both science and non-science program-specific courses (if applicable).

*High school courses must be college preparatory level. Equivalents from other colleges may satisfy requirements.


Additional Requirements

After acceptance into the program, students are required to submit the following:

  • Background Clearances (PA State Police, FBI, Child Abuse)
  • Health Insurance
  • Physical Examination
  • Immunizations
  • Titers
  • COVID-19 and Flu Vaccinations
  • Urine Drug Screen
  • BLS for Healthcare Providers (CPR) Certification

Please review the Acceptance Checklist for your program for more detailed information on the above requirements as well as the Student Out-of-Pocket Costs chart for potential costs related to this program.


Please Be Advised

  • Dental Hygiene is a competitive program. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the clinical program.
  • Students admitted to the clinical program must complete ENGL101 and CHEM135 prior to the Fall semester start.
  • Students not admitted to the clinical program will be admitted to the General Studies program of study to take general education courses toward the Dental Hygiene degree.

Application Requirements

Use this checklist and the online Admissions portal to track the completion of your application:

  • Submit the application in the online Admissions portal.
  • Submit official transcripts for all education completed to Transcripts are required for high school, GED, and, if attended, college.
  • Complete the Career Assessment Form (CAF) and upload to the online Admissions portal. Refer to the college catalog Dental Hygiene page and click on “program details.” NOTE: Once uploaded, this document can’t be replaced with another.
  • Complete the Selective Program Intent Form.



Please feel free to contact the Admissions Office at 610.861.5500 or should you have any questions or concerns regarding this process.


Important Program Information

Diagnostic Medical Sonography is a fall-start clinical program. Students must complete the Selective Program Intent Form in order to be considered for the program. Complete this form between October 1 and February 1. Students will not be able to complete the selective program intent form after February 1. Students who miss this deadline can take general education courses via the Health Sciences program of study.


Minimum requirements

  • High School Biology with a lab or NCC’s BIOS115 with a grade of “B” or better. *
  • High School Algebra I and II or NCC’s MATH022 and 026 with grades of “C” or better or exemption through placement testing. *
  • Minimum overall grade point average of 3.0.

*High school courses must be college preparatory level. Equivalents from other colleges may satisfy requirements.


Additional Requirements

After acceptance into the program, students are required to submit the following:

  • Background Clearances (PA State Police, FBI, Child Abuse)
  • Health Insurance
  • Physical Examination
  • Immunizations
  • Titers
  • COVID-19 and Flu Vaccinations
  • Urine Drug Screen
  • BLS for Healthcare Providers (CPR) Certification

Please review the Acceptance Checklist for your program for more detailed information on the above requirements as well as the Student Out-of-Pocket Costs chart for potential costs related to this program.


Please Be Advised:

  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography is a competitive program. Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission to the clinical program.
  • Students not admitted to the clinical program will be admitted to the Health Sciences program of study to take general education courses toward the Diagnostic Medical Sonography degree.
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography is a physically demanding occupation.

Application Requirements

Use this checklist and the online Admissions portal to track the completion of your application:


Please contact the Admissions Office at 610.861.5500 or should you have any questions or concerns regarding the application process.


Important Program Information

Students may apply to the clinical program starting October 1. Students must complete the Selective Program Intent Form in order to be considered for the program. Complete this form between October 1 and February 1. Students will not be able to complete the selective program intent form after February 1. Students who miss this deadline can take general education courses via the Health Sciences program of study.


Minimum Requirements

I. High school graduates and non-traditional student applicants:

  • High School Biology with a lab or NCC’s BIOS 115 with a grade of “C” or better.*
  • High School Chemistry with a lab or NCC’s CHEM 135 with a grade of “C” or better.*
  • High School G.P.A. of 2.50 or better.

*High school courses must be college preparatory level. Equivalents from other colleges may satisfy requirements.


II. Transfer student applicants:

  • Grades of C or better in each course being transferred to NCC.
  • College G.P.A. of 2.75 or better.

III. Funeral Service Education core courses (courses with the prefix FUNS) may only be taken by those students who have completed the 60 hours of general education requirement with a cumulative college G.P.A. of 2.75 or higher, and with final grades of C or better in the following classes: ACCT101 or ACCT100, BIOS160, BIOS202, BUSA152, CHEM135, CISC101, PSYC221.

Additional Requirements

After acceptance into the program, students are required to submit the following:

  • Background Clearance
  • PALS and TIMS Registrations
  • Health Insurance
  • Physical Examination
  • Immunizations
  • Titers

Please review the Acceptance Checklist for your program for more detailed information on the above requirements as well as the Student Out-of-Pocket Costs chart for potential costs related to this program.


Please Be Advised:

  • Funeral Service Education is a competitive program. Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admissions to the clinical program.
  • Students not admitted to the clinical program will be admitted to the General Studies program of study to take general education classes toward the Funeral Service Education degree.
  • Funeral Service is a physically demanding occupation.

Application Requirements

Use this checklist and the online Admissions portal to track the completion of your application:


Please feel free to contact the Admissions Office at 610.861.5500 or should you have any questions or concerns regarding this process.


Important Program Information

LPN is a fall-start program at the Bethlehem and Pocono campus.  Students must complete the Selective Program Intent Form in order to be considered for the program. Complete this form between October 1 and February 1. Students will not be able to complete the selective program intent form after February 1. Students who miss this deadline can take general education courses via the Health Sciences program of study.


Minimum Requirements

  • High School Biology with a lab or NCC’s BIOS 115 with a grade of a “C” or better.*
  • High School Algebra I or NCC’s MATH 022 with a grade of “C” or better or exemption through math placement testing.*
  • GPA of at least 2.5.
  • “Basic” level on ATI TEAS.

*High school courses must be college preparatory level. Equivalents from other colleges may satisfy requirements.


Additional Requirements

After acceptance into the program, students are required to submit the following:

  • Background Clearances (PA State Police, FBI, Child Abuse)
  • Health Insurance
  • Physical Examination
  • Immunizations
  • Titers
  • COVID-19 and Flu Vaccinations
  • Urine Drug Screen
  • BLS for Healthcare Providers (CPR) Certification

Please review the Acceptance Checklist for your program for more detailed information on the above requirements as well as the Student Out-of-Pocket Costs chart for potential costs related to this program.

Please Be Advised:

  • LPN is a competitive program. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the clinical program.
  • Students not admitted to the clinical program will be admitted to the General Studies program of study to take general education courses toward the LPN certificate.
  • Nursing is a physically demanding occupation.
  • Attend Nursing Information Session if you have not attended one in the past. Information sessions are listed at

Application Requirements

Use this checklist and the online Admissions portal to track the completion of your application:


Please feel free to contact the Admissions Office at 610.861.5500 or at should you have any questions or concerns regarding this process.


Important Program Information

RN is a fall-start and spring-start program at the Bethlehem campus. RN is a fall-start program at the Pocono campus. The Evening/Weekend option is offered only in the spring semester of even-numbered years (2024, 2026, etc.) at the Bethlehem campus.


Students must complete the Selective Program Intent Form in order to be considered for the program.

  • Students interested in starting the fall clinical program must complete this form between October 1 and February 1. Students will not be able to complete the selective program intent form for fall clinical after February 1. 
  • Students interested in starting the spring clinical program must complete this form between May 1 to September 15. Students will not be able to complete the selective program intent form for spring clinical after September 15. 


Students who miss these deadlines can take general education courses toward the RN degree via the Health Sciences program of study.


Minimum Requirements for RN Program

  • High School Biology with a lab or NCC’s BIOS 115 with a grade of “B” or better.*
  • High School Chemistry with a lab or NCC’s CHEM 135 with a grade of “B” or better.*
  • High School Algebra I and Algebra II or NCC’s MATH 022 and 026 with grades of “C” or better or exemption through math placement testing.*
  • GPA of at least 3.0.
  • “Proficient” level on ATI TEAS with all subsections at or above the national average.

 *High school courses must be college preparatory level. Equivalents from other colleges may satisfy requirements.


Additional Requirements

After acceptance into the program, students are required to submit the following:

  • Background Clearances (PA State Police, FBI, Child Abuse)
  • Health Insurance
  • Physical Examination
  • Immunizations
  • Titers
  • COVID-19 and Flu Vaccinations
  • Urine Drug Screen
  • BLS for Healthcare Providers (CPR) Certification

Please review the Acceptance Checklist for your program for more detailed information on the above requirements as well as the Student Out-of-Pocket Costs chart for potential costs related to this program.


Please Be Advised:

  • RN is a competitive program. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the clinical program. Students not admitted to the clinical program will be admitted to the Health Sciences program of study to take general education courses toward the RN degree.
  • Nursing is a physically demanding occupation.
  • Attend Nursing Information Session if you have not attended one in the past. Information sessions are listed at 

Application Requirements

Use this checklist and the online Admissions portal to track the completion of your application:


Please feel free to contact the Admissions Office at 610.861.5500 or at should you have any questions or concerns regarding this process.


Important Program Information

Advanced Placement RN is a fall-start and spring-start program at the Bethlehem campus.


Advanced Placement RN is a spring-start program at the Pocono campus. The Advanced Placement RN Evening/Weekend option is offered only in the fall semester of even-numbered years (2022, 2024, etc.) at the Bethlehem campus.


Students must complete the Selective Program Intent Form in order to be considered for the program.

  • Students interested in starting the fall clinical program must complete this form between October 1 and February 1. Students will not be able to complete the selective program intent form for fall clinical after February 1. 
  • Students interested in starting the spring clinical program must complete this form between February 15 and September 15. Students will not be able to complete the selective program intent form for spring clinical after September 15. 


Students who miss these deadlines can take general education courses toward the RN degree via the Health Sciences program of study.


Minimum Requirements

  • Hold a current and valid LPN license.
  • High School Biology with a lab or NCC’s BIOS 115 with a grade of “B” or better.*
  • High School Chemistry with a lab or NCC’s CHEM 135 with a grade of “B” or better.*
  • High School Algebra I and Algebra II or NCC’s MATH 022 and 026 with grades of “C” or better or exemption through math placement testing.*
  • Completion of general education courses required in the first two semesters of the RN program with grades of “C” or better.
  • At least a 3.0 cumulative GPA.
  • “Proficient” level on ATI TEAS with all subsections at or above the national average.
  • Have credit for NURS 101 – Introduction to Nursing in the form of: 1) if a graduate of NCC PN program, NURS101 with grade of C+ or better OR 2) if not a graduate of NCC PN program, achieving a minimum of Level II on the ATI Fundamentals Assessment. 

*High school courses must be college preparatory level. Equivalents from other colleges may satisfy requirements. 


Additional Requirements

After acceptance into the program, students are required to submit the following:

  • Background Clearances (PA State Police, FBI, Child Abuse)
  • Health Insurance
  • Physical Examination
  • Immunizations
  • Titers
  • COVID-19 and Flu Vaccinations
  • Urine Drug Screen
  • BLS for Healthcare Providers (CPR) Certification

Please review the Acceptance Checklist for your program for more detailed information on the above requirements as well as the Student Out-of-Pocket Costs chart for potential costs related to this program.


Please Be Advised:

  • Advanced Placement RN is a competitive program. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the clinical program. Students not admitted to the clinical program will be admitted to the Health Sciences program of study to take general education classes toward the RN degree.
  • Attend Nursing Information Session if you have not attended one in the past. Information sessions are listed at

Application Requirements

Use this checklist and the online Admissions portal to track the completion of your application:


Please feel free to contact the Admissions Office at 610.861.5500 or should you have any questions or concerns regarding this process.


The Advanced Placement Licensed Practical Nurse to Associate Degree Nursing Program is designed to afford LPNs the opportunity to receive advanced nursing standing for up to eight (8) credits by testing. The program is offered each fall and spring during daytime hours (depending on seat availability) at the Bethlehem campus. It’s offered each spring during daytime hours (depending on seat availability) at the Pocono campus. It’s offered during evening/weekend hours on the Bethlehem Campus in fall semesters of even-numbered years (2022, 2024, etc.; depending on seat availability). After receiving advanced placement, students will follow the basic curriculum of the associate degree program. Students may choose to complete the general education and support courses before entering the nursing course sequence. However, all non-nursing courses required in the first and second semester must be completed before entering the nursing sequence. Once the nursing sequence has started, the program can be completed in three semesters. Students who make application for the Advanced Nursing Program must adhere to all admission requirements (including high school biology, chemistry and algebra or their equivalents, overall GPA, and TEAS scores) and deadlines as they appear in the College catalog. Additionally, applicants must show proof of their current LPN licensure. Acceptance to the program is competitive and based on seat availability.


Application Deadline

Radiography is a fall-start program. Students must complete the Selective Program Intent Form in order to be considered for the program. Complete this form between October 1 and February 1. Students will not be able to complete the selective program intent form after February 1. Students who miss this deadline can take general education courses via the Health Sciences program of study.


Minimum Requirements

  • High School Biology with a lab or NCC’s BIOS115 with a grade of “C” or better. *
  • High School Algebra I and II or NCC’s MATH022 and 026 with grades of “C” or better or exemption through math placement testing. *
  • Minimum overall grade point average of 2.5.

*High school courses must be college preparatory level. Equivalents from other colleges may satisfy requirements.


Additional Requirements

After acceptance into the program, students are required to submit the following:

  • Background Clearances (PA State Police, FBI, Child Abuse)
  • Health Insurance
  • Physical Examination
  • Immunizations
  • Titers
  • COVID-19 and Flu Vaccinations
  • Urine Drug Screen
  • BLS for Healthcare Providers (CPR) Certification

Please review the Acceptance Checklist for your program for more detailed information on the above requirements as well as the Student Out-of-Pocket Costs chart for potential costs related to this program.


Please Be Advised:

  • Radiography is a competitive program. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the clinical program.
  • Students not admitted to the clinical program will be admitted to the Health Sciences program of study to take general education courses toward the Radiography degree.
  • Radiography is a physically demanding occupation.

Application Requirements

Use this checklist and the online Admissions portal to track the completion of your application:

  • Submit the application in the online Admissions portal.
  • Submit official transcripts for all education completed to Transcripts are required for high school, GED, and, if attended, college.
  • Complete the Career Assessment Form (CAF) and upload to the online Admissions portal. Refer to the 2024-2025 College Catalog. NOTE: Once uploaded, this document can’t be replaced with another.
  • Complete the Selective Program Intent Form.


Please contact the Admissions Office at 610.861.5500 or should you have any questions or concerns regarding the application process.


Important Program Information

Respiratory Care is a fall-start clinical program. To be considered for the Fall 2025 cohort, applications must be submitted by Tuesday, April 15, at 3 p.m.

Applications received after the application deadline will be processed for the Health Sciences program of study.



Minimum Requirements

  • High School Biology with a lab or NCC’s BIOS115 with a grade of “C” or better. *
  • High School Algebra I and II or NCC’s MATH022 and 026 with grades of “C” or better or exemption through placement testing. *
  • High School Diploma or GED equivalency
  • Minimum overall grade point average of 2.75.

*High school courses must be college preparatory level. Equivalents from other colleges may satisfy requirements.



Additional Requirements

After acceptance into the program, students are required to submit the following:

  • Background Clearances (PA State Police, FBI, Child Abuse)
  • Health Insurance
  • Physical Examination
  • Immunizations
  • Titers
  • COVID-19 and Flu Vaccinations
  • Urine Drug Screen
  • BLS for Healthcare Providers (CPR) Certification

Please review the Acceptance Checklist for your program for more detailed information on the above requirements as well as the Student Out-of-Pocket Costs chart for potential costs related to this program.



Please Be Advised

  • Respiratory Care is a competitive program. Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission to the clinical program.
  • Students not admitted to the clinical program will be admitted to the Health Sciences program of study to take general education courses toward the Respiratory Care degree.
  • Respiratory Care is a physically demanding occupation.

Application Requirements

Use this checklist and the online Admissions portal to track the completion of your application:


Please contact the Admissions Office at 610.861.5500 or should you have any questions or concerns regarding the application process.


Important Program Information

Veterinary Technician is a fall-start program. Students must complete the Selective Program Intent Form in order to be considered for the program. Complete this form between October 1 and March 15. Students will not be able to complete the selective program intent form after March 15. Students who miss this deadline can take general education courses via the Health Sciences program of study.


Minimum Requirements

  • High School Biology with a lab or NCC’s BIOS115 with a grade of “B” or better.*
  • High School Algebra I and II or NCC’s MATH 022 and 026 with grades of “C” or better or exemption through math placement testing.*
  • 2.5 or higher cumulative grade point average
  • At the time of the application, the student must have completed 20 hours of observation in a veterinary facility within the past year and completed the Career Exploration Form (CEF) available on NCC’s Veterinary Technician catalog page.

*High school courses must be college preparatory level. Equivalents from other colleges may satisfy requirements.


Additional Requirements

After acceptance into the program, students are required to submit the following:

  • Health Insurance
  • Physical Examination
  • TDAP immunization within the past 10 years
  • Rabies Pre-exposure

Please review the Acceptance Checklist for your program for more detailed information on the above requirements as well as the Student Out-of-Pocket Costs chart for potential costs related to this program.


Please Be Advised:

  • Veterinary Technician is a competitive program. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the clinical program.
  • Students not admitted to the clinical program will be admitted to the General Studies program of study to take general education classes toward the Veterinary Technician degree.

Application Requirements

Use this checklist and the online Admissions portal to track the completion of your application:

  • Submit the application in the online Admissions portal.
  • Submit official transcripts for all education to Transcripts are needed for high school, GED, and if attended, college(s).
  • Complete the Career Exploration Form (CEF) and upload to the online Admission portal. Refer to the overview section of the Veterinary Technician page in the college catalog and click on “program details.” NOTE: Once uploaded, this document can’t be replaced with another.
  • Complete the Selective Program Intent Form.


Please feel free to contact the Admissions Office at 610.861.5500 or should you have any questions or concerns regarding this process.

If you are a current student who would like to apply to one of our selective admissions programs, you'll need to complete our Selective Intent Form here.


Selective Program Intent Form

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