Student Senate Candidates

Student Senate Elections 2024

Student Senate voting is open for all students. Voting will remain open until the end of the day on October 1, 2024*. Please contact with any questions. View all of our candidates below and vote today!


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Dane Fortun

Dane Fortun

Running for: President


Briefly outline your relevant experience related to your interest in Student Senate.
Relevant experiences tied to my interest would have to be that I’m a second year member of Student Senate, I was the Public Relations Officer last year and I had watched how the Senate has been ran for the past year.


What extra/co-curricular activities and/or community service are you involved in?
I’m involved currently in Senate, Band of Brothers & Phi Theta Kappa.


What is one thing NCC can do to encourage student engagement in our current environment?
Connect more with the students through events, welcoming emails, try to understand their mentality when coming to NCC, and how to mold their experience into the best it can possibly be.


What is your campaign platform (Why are you running for Student Senate)?
I am running for Student Senate President this year because, I saw how things were ran on a daily basis last year, and I was the Public Relations Officer last year. This means I ran my own department, while seeing how things from above me were ran. I know more about the In’s and Out’s for Student Senate than any other candidates here.

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Emily Eisenhard

Emily Eisenhard

Running for: President; Vice President; Secretary; Public Relations; or General Member


Briefly outline your relevant experience related to your interest in Student Senate.
 I've been interested since my first semester, of course, back then I didn't know exactly how I would fit into the student senate and I didn't have the credits to my name either. It's been a year since I started here but I know that leading a group of people is fun and even endearing to see everyone work together for a common goal in mind! I've seen a lot of this at the events hosted by the senate as well as my own experience in leading a group of people.


What extra/co-curricular activities and/or community service are you involved in?
I am the president of the Art Connections Club and I started volunteering for ArtsQuest in the summer. During my time currently in the art club I have been the one to plan trips/events, connect and collaborate with other people for said events, make advertising for events, and Create schedules and backups in case things go wrong, and I've found ways to make fundraising fun for our consumers and for our artists making the work to sell. Besides club activities, I started Volunteering for ArtsQuests in the summer, I sold soda at Musikfest so I had to work with money outside of my comfort zone a bit, I am also going to be volunteering for Oktoberfest next month.


What is one thing NCC can do to encourage student engagement in our current environment?
Innovation and Creativity, Finding ways around the problems, and making everything a bit more interesting, there is no reason not to explore the vast opportunities we have. We only get one life and I believe that the time we spend living should be used to the fullest. A good plan is a great plan and sometimes it's best to have more than one because that maximizes all the attempts we have, we should never give up and find the way through. Being an artist has taught me that engaging with the people around me and fighting through adversity has made me brave and confident for the future. I encourage engagement through connection. Connect with others, your world, your community, your self. If NCC could find ways to incorporate that message into events and conversations we'd be more engaged with everything going on in our lives.


What is your campaign platform (Why are you running for Student Senate)?
I'm running for Student Senate because I want to go a bit deeper into the work that I have already started. I want to figure out more about the community here at NCC than what I know now. I want to go bigger and make the campus more colorful somehow and somehow. I want to see engagement with people we wouldn't expect! I at least want to leave knowing something changed for someone, I believe we can make a change and I hope that resonates with a lot of people who cannot say the same, I see those people as I used to be silent and never stand for change but, now I will never be quiet. This is my college too and I might be here for one more year but I'll make it count!


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Demetrios Rallis

Running for: General Member


Briefly outline your relevant experience related to your interest in Student Senate.
I am a natural leader and looking to make a difference in the world. I think we at NCC have a lot of potential to connect people and put together some incredible events which I have lots of ideas for. I am also starting a club called Club 36 which will have 36 different niches of activities for people to get involved with everyday and learn new skills.


What extra/co-curricular activities and/or community service are you involved in?
As mentioned above, I am in the process of starting my own club. I volunteer at my church during their Greek Food Festivals and I have a wide array of hobbies and projects I’m working on such as runway shows and renewable energy ideas.


What is one thing NCC can do to encourage student engagement in our current environment?
I think by fostering an environment where creative energy can thrive and by putting together events that the students actually will enjoy is a massive step.

What is your campaign platform (Why are you running for Student Senate)?
I am running for Student Senate because I believe we can do something really special in the next few years and I want people to look back at this time and be able to smile. I have tons of ideas about activities we can put together and I want the Student Senate deeply involved with Club 36, I believe it will completely re-shape the campus and connect people in a wonderful way.


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Vincent Caminneci

Vincent Caminneci

Running for: President

Briefly outline your relevant experience related to your interest in Student Senate.
I have worked on agendas and meeting scheduling in high school clubs like FBLA (where I was president) and student government, and also as an officer of my local political party. I currently work in the Office of Student Life and thus have a direct connection to the club advisor and am knowledgeable of the process of approving and implementing student affairs and activities. I am passionate about raising others up and thus would be encouraged to find and support students who are new to student government so that they are able to help themselves become stronger leaders by the end of the year. I am familiar with Roberts' Rules of Order and would make sure meetings are run in an organized and respectful manner that encourages thoughtful discussions and feedback.


What extra/co-curricular activities and/or community service are you involved in?
I am an NCC Votes Ambassador in the Office of Student Life and I am currently a member of the Honors Program and PTK, as well as president of the Political Science Club. I volunteer at the Easton Farmers Market on Saturdays and West Ward Market on Wednesdays. I practice Chinese, read, and learn to play a little bit of piano and djembé in my free time.


What is one thing NCC can do to encourage student engagement in our current environment?
NCC needs to have more connection between classes and clubs and it needs to come from the top down. Requiring involvement in conferences, meetings, and events for classes can better allow our community to grow and thrive even with a majority commuter population. More on-campus job opportunities would also be a good pathway toward more student engagement if possible. Also more advertisement of student jobs in general.


What is your campaign platform (Why are you running for Student Senate)?
I have three points because all serious candidates have three points: 1) I want to strengthen connections between NCC students and the Bethlehem and Bethlehem Township communities, 2) I want to keep a consistent biweekly meeting schedule that properly allocates and addresses the annual budget as well as offers a forum for student questions and concerns, and 3) I want to understand the concerns of faculty and staff at NCC so student government and student clubs can adequately fight for them if need be. "It takes a village."


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Carmine Picone

Running for: Vice President, Secretary, or General Member


Briefly outline your relevant experience related to your interest in Student Senate.
Hello! My name is Carmine Picone, and I intend to serve Northampton Community College’s Student Senate for a third semester. It’s been a pleasure to receive the opportunity to advocate for students and make a meaningful contribution to our college community. Student advocacy has been an important aspect of my experience participating in non-profit work and on-campus extracurricular activities. My role as president of the Hispanic-American Culture Club entails uniting Hispanic students with other students, clubs and extracurricular activities, and faculty members, organizing events to share our culture with the community, as well as raising awareness of important topics such as breast cancer and voter registration. I hope to represent my fellow Hispanics and work closely with minority groups to address student concerns, ensuring all of our voices are heard. Additionally, I am a member of a nonprofit organization named The SOAR Initiative, whose purpose is to assist low-income or first-generation high school students with their journey to university. It is a privilege to support younger students by providing them with the necessary information, guidance, and internship/program opportunities to gain admission into their dream school. I intend to take on various responsibilities while collaborating with others to provide effective, yet practical solutions for our community. I look forward to demonstrating my passion, sharing diverse ideas and experiences, and ensuring that all voices are heard while a member of NCC’s Student Senate.


What extra/co-curricular activities and/or community service are you involved in?
Excelling in school, biomedical programs, and personal projects, I plan to further my experience and knowledge to grow professionally. To do so, I became the president of NCC’s Hispanic Heritage Club, where we host weekly events and share our culture with the community. I am also involved in the student senate, where we address campus issues, vote on policies, plan events, and collaborate with administration officials to advocate for/represent the student body. Additionally, I’m a participant in the college’s Honors Program, taking advanced courses and presenting humanitarian research at national conferences.
Outside of Northampton Community College, I’ve conducted biomedical research at the University of Pennsylvania and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia under the Perelman School of Medicine’s OER internship. Currently, I also manage a non-profit organization alongside doing community service. Researching the kidney, I assisted in the establishment of the PHOX2B-tdTomato reporter line to induce adrenal medulla-like cells from iPS cells. The following year (2024), I generated a library of H2B-fluorescent protein fusion transgenes for live imaging of Drosophila melanogaster. Furthermore, I worked as a medical intern in Verón, Dominican Republic, proudly serving medical clinics in multiple underrepresented communities. While abroad, I performed patient assessments, including vital signs and physical examinations, utilized strong interpersonal and Spanish-speaking skills when interacting with patients, documented and handled patient health history and notes, worked collaboratively with local medical staff/colleagues, earning a total of 100 clinical hours, and introduced education regarding Dengue Fever, medications, and preventive care measures to low-income Haitian and Dominican communities. In my free time, I volunteer at the Bethlehem Raider’s Football Field and promote/manage the Student Outreach and Advancement Resource (S.O.A.R.), an informational resource that I have designed- its purpose being to support high school students in their transition from high school to higher education.


What is one thing NCC can do to encourage student engagement in our current environment?
A great way Northampton Community College can facilitate student engagement in our community is by constructing and implementing a peer mentorship program. By connecting upperclassmen with new first-years or those less involved, our community would unite tenfold. Entering college as a first-year can be terrifying, and new students may not know what to anticipate. With an upperclassman to provide valuable advice, connections, and company, we can allow new students to foster feelings of belonging and personalized navigation. This may also encourage higher club/extracurricular attendance and motivation, with GPA averages potentially rising as well. Through a peer mentorship program, we can make engagement at NCC more appealing and approachable, bridging the gap between all students and resources.


What is your campaign platform (Why are you running for Student Senate)?
I am running for NCC’s Student Senate because I am more than eager to advocate for my peers and the members of this community. Being so engaged in different clubs and programs both on and off campus, I know that I can be an advocate for all student’s needs and our environment’s advancement. The quality of student life on campus doesn’t improve because of a singular person. We all make up this academic community, and because of our diverse backgrounds and experiences, we all have various perspectives and ideas of how we can enhance our environment. By serving NCC’s Student Senate for a third semester, I would have the opportunity to continue bringing about the positive changes and enhancements that the college needs.


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Karolina Zakova

Running for: Vice President


Briefly outline your relevant experience related to your interest in Student Senate.
I am very interested in being involved with the school's leadership position. In the past, I helped with establishing a student senate in my high school.


What extra/co-curricular activities and/or community service are you involved in?
Currently, I am PTK´s Public Relations officer, and I tutor English as a second language.


What is one thing NCC can do to encourage student engagement in our current environment?
I think offering more events online and in person is the best way to encourage student engagement. Moreover, clubs can get together, and host events together, which could be an effective way to approach more people.


What is your campaign platform (Why are you running for Student Senate)?
I am running for Student Senate because I want to get involved with the school, and I believe being a member of the Senate is a great position. Having a role in the senate means that I can have an impact on the student environment as well as the surrounding community. I believe, it would also provide me with more leadership experience, which will always be useful for my future career. I have enjoyed being part of PTK, and I would love to increase my involvement in a different organization. Lastly, being part of a student organization is a great opportunity to meet new people and faculty members.


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Gabrielle Foster

Running for: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary. General Member


Briefly outline your relevant experience related to your interest in Student Senate.
Last year, my experience with student senate started as a general member position. My role as a general member consisted of attending meetings and collaborating with my peers to overview financial requests, club/organization proposals, address concerns of the student body, as well as balance the funds presented to us so that all students could be prioritized. I learned a lot from this experience and would love to grow more within the student senate circle.


What extra/co-curricular activities and/or community service are you involved in?
My extra curricular activities include: previously, student senate, art club, computer club, and creative projects outside of school such as drawing, animating, and building my personal website.


What is one thing NCC can do to encourage student engagement in our current environment?
I feel that the student newsletter and clubs here at NCC are currently doing a great job with engagement and delivering messages; however, to encourage more student engagement, I believe that adding more activities that are available online might introduce engagement from another population of students. We currently have a lot of students attending NCC solely online, due to preference, schedule, location, etc.

By introducing opportunities that allow all types of students to interact, we increase student engagement from all areas. Encouraging clubs and or classrooms to have an online meeting/chatting platform such as a discord, or zoom meeting to include those who may not be able to attend physically, is one idea on how to engage all students. This also could increase the communication of students from all 3 campuses; Fowler, Pocono and Bethlehem.


What is your campaign platform (Why are you running for Student Senate)?
I'm running for student senate to be more involved within my community! Throughout my experience as a general member, I learned how impactful the role of a student senate member is. Whether as a general member or perhaps through a position even higher; I aim to improve the student life experience here at NCC. I want to encourage inclusivity, increase student engagement, and overall help and improve my community. Thank you!


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Lauren Foster

Running for: General member

Briefly outline your relevant experience related to your interest in Student Senate.
I don't have any experience with student senate specifically, but I was a member and participated in my high school art club. We would gather every two weeks and talk about art-related topics and even share our art with each other.


What extra/co-curricular activities and/or community service are you involved in?
Whenever I am not working on school work, I like to draw. I have a few hobbies, such as crocheting and reading, but I like to draw most of the time. I've been doing it for a long time, but if you want exact dates, I started digital drawing about ten years ago, using Microsoft Paint. I have since upgraded to using Procreate and/or ClipstudioPaint on my iPad, but you know, the olden days of using a mouse and my family's old computer to draw is an experience I cherish dearly.


What is one thing NCC can do to encourage student engagement in our current environment?
One thing that I would definitely recommend would be to have more online clubs and activities for those who can't make it to one of the three physical camusus. I think NCC does a good job at encouraging student engagement for those who are on the campus or can make it. I personally just think they could increase that engagement by trying to reach out to their online students more. I know for me personally, I would love to participate in some of the events I see being marketed through my school email, I just don't have the greatest transportation option right now and can't make them at the moment. Hopefully, that will change very soon, but my point still stands.


What is your campaign platform (Why are you running for Student Senate)?
Honestly? I really just want to try something new. I have participated in clubs and such before, but I never have even considered participating in student senate. For 2024, I am trying to push myself out of my comfort zone more and be more outgoing. I do that a lot when it comes to my art, but I don't do it very much when it comes to actually trying to improve myself. I am naturally an introverted person but want to grow. Not to mention, I want to help other students and student ran organizations in any way I physically can.

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