Our Mission:
To provide an enriched sober environment in which students in recovery can achieve academic success.

Who we are:
A group of NCC students all in recovery from substance use disorders who support each other in our academic and recovery endeavors!
What we are:
- Voluntary
- Anonymous
- Welcoming of any type of recovery path
- Tailored for students who are committed/active in their recovery
- An opportunity for those in recovery to relate, enjoy, and support each other during their time at NCC
What we are not:
- A treatment program
- Structured therapy
- Affiliated with any 12-step program (AA, NA, GA)
CRP Goals:
- Build a system of support, non-judgment and fellowship among students in recovery
- Provide sober activities
- Encourage healthy coping skills
- Develop strong partnerships within and outside the college
- Reduce the stigma around addiction and recovery
- Enhance the NCC experience for students in recovery and their cohort by engagement and collaboration
- Graduate!
What Does the NCC CRP Do?
- Support students' recovery
- Weekly meetings
- Volunteer work
- Field trips
- Professional conferences
- Mindfulness/Meditation
Contact Us
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Proud Institutional Member of ARHE
(Association for Recovery in Higher Education)