Documentation of Disability Requirements

Requirements for Requesting Disability Services and Accomodations

Students requesting disability services and reasonable accommodations must present comprehensive and current documentation of their disability. A disability is defined as a condition that substantially limits a major life activity such as walking, talking, learning, hearing and/or seeing and is covered under the ADA.  


All disability-related records are maintained in the Accessibility Resource Center, separate from academic records. Therefore, all documentation of disability should be mailed or faxed to:


Accessibility Resource Center
College Center 341
Northampton Community College
3835 Green Pond Road
Bethlehem, PA 18020
Fax:  610.861.5351

Phone: 610.861.5342


General Requirements

In general, all documentation should be typed on letterhead or be in report format and should include the following information:  

  • a clearly stated diagnosis of a disability the student's functional limitations in an academic environment
  • the signature, printed name, title, and professional credentials of the evaluator
  • the date of evaluation
  • Certifying professional cannot be a family member of the individual requesting accommodations, based upon a disability, at NCC

Other points to remember:

  • Because the provision of all reasonable accommodations and services is based upon assessment of substantial impact of a current disability in an academic environment, it is in your best interest to provide the best, most recent documentation.
  • Documentation must be a comprehensive assessment that addresses the ability to function in an academic environment and may include recommendations for accommodations.
  • An Individualized Education Program (IEP) or “504 Plan” does not automatically constitute complete and appropriate documentation of disability but can be included as additional information. 

  • A physician's prescription pad note is not acceptable as documentation.

Specific Documentation Requirements

These documentation guidelines are provided to assist you in obtaining appropriate documentation from qualified professionals. Northampton reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of submitted documentation and requests for accommodation on a case-by-case basis, using the professional judgment of the Accessibility Resource Center staff.


Certifying professional cannot be a family member of the individual requesting accommodations, based upon a disability, at NCC. Because the nature of disabilities varies widely, we have a range of documentation requirements. 

Select from the conditions below to determine your documentation needs.

Documentation related to the need for accommodations must be completed by a qualified professional including: licensed psychologist or neuropsychologists, psychiatrists or other relevantly trained medical doctors, and should include:  

  • diagnosis:  A specific diagnosis that conforms to DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) or ICD (International Classification of Diseases) criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder or Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)
  • history of and current functional limitations on major life activities resulting from the disorder to include but not be limited to:  communication or language skills, social interaction, restricted, repetitive and/or stereotyped patterns of behavior and activities, sensory functioning and sensitivity to environmental conditions, and motor planning.
  • reports of psychological or neuropsychological testing in the form of either:
    • a complete neuropsychological report or
    • a comprehensive standardized adult IQ test (we recommend the WAIS) and a comprehensive test of achievement (we recommend the Woodcock-Johnson or the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test). The results and interpretation of all sub-tests must be included.
  • recommendations of accommodations to be considered
  • insight related to behavioral, social, or emotional issues, and associated needs

Students with a co-existing diagnosis of ADHD should also provide the results of a comprehensive attentional assessment. Refer to ADHD documentation.

An evaluation by a psychiatrist, neurologist, licensed psychologist or qualified medical professional that includes:


  • a clearly stated diagnosis of ADHD, date of diagnosis, and the last date of contact with the student
  • a statement that the ADHD is a substantial limitation to learning
  • a description of the symptoms which meet the criteria for the diagnosis, including evidence of ongoing behavior that has significantly impaired academic functioning over time
  • clinical instruments and procedures used to determine the diagnosis, including results from cognitive and achievement assessments
  • current medications, dosages, and frequencies
  • recommendations for reasonable accommodations and support services based upon limitations in the academic environment

An evaluation/report from an ophthalmologist or optometrist regarding the measurement of visual acuity that includes:


  • a clear statement of vision-related disability with supporting numerical description that reflects the current impact the blindness or vision loss has on the student's functioning present symptoms and assessment procedures
  • medical and educational information relating to the student's needs, vision status and impact of the disability in a postsecondary environment
  • information regarding student's functional limitations, use of corrective lenses and related supports
  • recommendations for reasonable accommodations as applied to an academic environment

Diagnosis of the disability and current audiograms from physicians, including otologists and audiologists, should include:


  • a clear statement of deafness or hearing loss, with a current audiogram that reflects the impact the deafness or hearing loss has on the student's functioning
  • medical and educational information relating to the student's needs and its impact on the demands of the academic program
  • a statement regarding the use of hearing aids, sign language interpreters and other recommendations for accommodations

Documentation is to be provided by qualified professional, including psychiatrist, social worker, physician, or other mental health professional treating the individual with a disability.  Documentation of disability standards for students requesting a housing accommodation of an ESA based upon a psychological/psychiatric disability indicate:

  1. There is an identifiable relationship, or nexus, between the individual's verified disability and the therapeutic value this animal will provide. The statement(s) will explain the connection the ESA provides to alleviate one or more identified symptoms or effects of a person's disability.
  2. And verify the medical necessity of the ESA to afford the individual with the disability equal access to use and enjoy College housing.
  3. In addition, the Emotional Support Request form must be submitted. This information may be found at or contact 610.861.5342 to request a copy mailed.

NCC Dining Services offers dairy-free, gluten-free, nut-free, vegan and vegetarian options on the daily menu in the dining hall. If a student feels their dietary requirements cannot be accomplished with NCC's menu options, they may choose to request accommodations. Students should follow the Process and Procedures for meal plan accommodations and submit a completed Food-Related Disability Verification Form. If a student is unable to download these documents, please contact the Accessibility Resource Center at 610.861.5342 for assistance.

Medical reports and assessment reports from a recommended practitioner, including physicians, neurologists, rehabilitation specialists and psychiatrists to include:   

  • a clear statement of the head injury or traumatic brain injury
  • current impact the head injury has on the student's functioning
  • results of cognitive and achievement measures used to assess level of functioning and the impact of such in the academic environment
  • recommendations academic setting

Students with learning disabilities requesting support services should submit a psycho-educational evaluation by a recognized authority within three to five years of enrollment date.  A school district Evaluation Report (ER) or Reevaluation Report (RR) may be considered if the appropriate current diagnostic information is contained in the report.  This evaluation should be comprehensive and include:

  • a clearly stated diagnosis of a learning disability
  • a statement that the learning disability is a substantial limitation to learning
  • a cognitive evaluation of intellectual functioning as measured by an individually administered intelligence test such as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale- (WAIS) or the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery: Test of Cognitive Ability, to include all test and subtest scores
  • achievement levels in reading, mathematics and written language as measured by individually administered achievement tests such as the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery: Tests of Achievement, Kaufman Test of Achievement, or the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, etc. to include all test and subtest scores and analysis
  • a description of strengths and weaknesses (functional limitations) recommendations for accommodations appropriate for the postsecondary environment

Any physical disability or systemic illness is considered to be in the medical domain and requires the diagnosis of a physician, including a neurologist, physiatrist or other medical specialist. Documentation includes:

  • a clear statement of the medical diagnosis of the orthopedic/mobility/physical disability or systemic illness
  • information assessing the current impact the disability has on the student's functioning in an academic environment
  • a description of present symptoms and information regarding the impact of medication on student's ability to meet academic demands
  • recommendations for reasonable accommodations in an academic environment

A report/evaluation by a mental health professional including licensed clinical social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists and neurologists, is required and should include:

  • a clear statement of the disability, including the DSM diagnosis and a summary of present symptoms
  • the impact the disability has on the student's current level of functioning
  • clinical instruments and procedures used to determine the diagnosis, including results from cognitive and achievement assessments
  • medical information relating to the student's needs, including the impact of medication on the student's ability to meet the demands of the postsecondary environment
  • a statement of functional limitation of the disability on learning and recommendations for reasonable accommodations in an academic environment

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