Summer Courses At NCC

Spend time with NCC this Summer! 

Get one step closer to completing your degree with our accelerated summer classes. We're offering five different start dates, including two four-week sessions, so you can get the credits you need to get ahead.

Classes are offered in a variety of formats, including online, on-campus and a hybrid of both; allowing you to have the flexibility to find what fits your schedule while still enjoying everything the warm weather has to offer.


Whether you're a current NCC student, enrolled at another college, or are starting fresh, our dedicated and experienced professors, faculty, and staff are here to help you every step of the way. Take advantage of NCC’s low-cost tuition and save up to 50% on a quality education compared to other schools. 


Summer course registration begins March 24 for new and re-admitted students. 


Students enrolled in Spring 2025 courses can begin registering for summer courses as early as March 19.

Summer Course Terms & Course Offerings

Click below to access a list of course offerings for each summer session. Course locations will be indicated using the following codes:

  • B = Bethlehem Campus
  • F = Fowler Southside Center
  • O = Online/ Virtual Campus
  • P = Pocono Campus

ARTA101 - Art History Survey (O)
ARTA161 - Ceramics (B)
BIOS115 - Essentials of Biology (B, P)
BIOS126 - Environmental Science (O)
BIOS202 - Microbiology for Allied Health (B, O)
BIOS204 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I (B, O, P)
BIOS230 - Field Botany (P)
BIOS254 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II (B, O)
CHEM011 - Preparatory Chemistry (O)
CHEM120 - General Chemistry I (B, P)
CHEM135 - Chemistry of Life (O, P)
CHEM220 - General Chemistry II (B)
CMTH240 - Portable Video Techniques (B)
COMM101 - Introduction to Communication (B)
CULA110 - Introduction to Baking and Pastry (B)
CULA118 - Advanced Culinary Skills (B)
ECON201 - Macroeconomics (O)
ENGL101 - English I (B, O, P)
ENGL151L - English II (B, O, P)
ESLL028 - English Vocabulary III (B)
HIST103 - Ancient and Medieval History (B)
HIST113 - American History I (B, O)
MATH022 - Elementary Algebra (B)
MATH026 - Intermediate Algebra (B)
MATH140 - College Algebra (O)
MATH150 - Introductory Statistics (O)
MATH180 - Calculus I (O)
MDAS201 - Medical Assistant Externship (B)
MDLA103 - Elementary Spanish I (B)
PHIL202G - Ethics and Moral Problems (B, O, P)
PSYC103 - Introduction to Psychology (B, P)
PSYC258 - Developmental Psychology (B)
SOCA103 - Principles of Sociology (B)

ACCT101 - Financial Accounting I (O)
ACCT151 - Financial Accounting II (O)
ARTA100 - Art & Visual Thinking (O)
ARTA101 - Art History Survey (O)
ARTA170 - Computer Graphics (O)
BIOS104 - Field Ecology (O)
BIOS126 - Environmental Science (O)
BIOS130 - Basics of Human Anatomy and Physiology (O)
BIOS180 - Introduction to Forensic Science (O)
BIOS204 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I (B, O)
BUSA205 - Management Fundamentals (O)
BUSA211 - Personal Finance (O)
CISC101 - Introduction to Information Technology (O)
CISC104 - Information Systems (O)
CISC115 - Computer Science I (O)
CJST101 - Introduction to Criminal Justice (O)
CJST111 - American Legal System (O)
CJST115 - Criminal Law (O)
CJST121G - Criminology (O)
CJST131 - Juvenile Justice (O)
COMM101 - Introduction to Communication (O)
COMM215 - Intercultural Communication (O)
COMM220 - Introduction to Film (O)
COMM230G - Introduction to Communication Theory (O)
EARL107 - Early Childhood Observation and Assessment (O)
EARL208 - Math in Early Childhood (O)
EARL216 - Language and Literacy in Early Childhood (O)
EARL217 - Child, Family and Community (O)
EARL218 - Science in Early Childhood (O)
EARL232 - Leadership Sem in Early Child Ed (O)
EARL244 - Early Childhood Profession (O)
EARL263G - Internship-Early Childhood (O)
ECON201 - Macroeconomics (O)
ECON251G - Microeconomics (O)
ENGL101 - English I (O)
ENGL151L - English II (O)
ENGL151R - English II (O)
ENGL151T - English II (O)
ENGL215G - Multicultural Adolescent Lit (O)
ENGL253 - Creative Writing (O)
ENGL257G - 20th Century Literature by Women (O)
ENGL265G - African American Literature (O)
GEOG101 - World Geography (O)
GEOG121 - Environmental Sustainability (O)
GEOG150 - Astronomy (O)
GEOL201 - Physical Geology (O)
GLBL130 - Introduction to Global Studies (O)
HCOA154 - Medical Terminology (O)
HCOA172 - Health Insurance Basics (O)
HCOA175 - ICD-10-CM/PCS Coding Methodologies (O)
HCOA176 - CPT Coding Methodology (O)
HCOA177 - Health Information Technology (O)
HEAL150 - Contemporary Health (O)
HIST103 - Ancient and Medieval History (O)
HIST113 - American History I (O)
HIST163 - American History II (O)
HIST165 - The American Experience of Warfare (O)
JOUR101 - Journalism and Society (O)
LIBT101 - Intro to Library Service (O)
MATH020 - Pre-Algebra (O)
MATH022 - Elementary Algebra (O)
MATH103 - Technical Mathematics (O)
MATH118 - Foundations of Mathematics I (O)
MATH119 - Foundations of Mathematics II (O)
MATH120 - Nature of Mathematics (O)
MATH140 - College Algebra (O)
MATH150 - Introductory Statistics (O)
MATH160 - Pre-Calculus (O)
MDLA103 - Elementary Spanish I (O)
MDLA112 - Elementary French II (O)
MDLA113 - Elementary Spanish II (O)
MDLA123 - Intermediate Spanish I (O)
MUSC101 - Introduction to Music (O)
PARL101 - Intro to Paralegal Studies (O)
PHIL111G - On Death and Dying (O)
PHIL121 - World Religions (O)
PHIL202 - Ethics and Moral Problems (O)
PHIL202G - Ethics and Moral Problems (O)
PHYS101 - Physics I (O)
PHYS151 - Physics II (O)
POLS202 - International Relations (O)
PSYC103 - Introduction to Psychology (O)
PSYC103G - Introduction to Psychology (O)
PSYC205 - Research Methods (O)
PSYC221 - Responding to the Bereaved (O)
PSYC230 - Intro to Health Psychology (O)
PSYC235 - Developmental ChildPsychopathology (O)
PSYC255 - Psychopathology (O)
PSYC258 - Developmental Psychology (O)
PSYC258G - Developmental Psychology (O)
PSYC265 - Psychology of Sex & Gender (O)
RESP201 - Cardiopulmonary Disease Processes (F)
RESP202 - Mechanical Ventilation (F)
SCWK101 - Introduction to Social Work (O)
SOCA102 - Cultural Anthropology (O)
SOCA102G - Cultural Anthropology (O)
SOCA103 - Principles of Sociology (O)
SOCA103G - Principles of Sociology (O)
SOCA125G - Sociology of Families (O)
SOCA204 - Social Problems (O)
SPEC160 - Introduction to Special Education (O)

All of this term's courses are online.


ENGL151L - English II
ENGL201G - British Literature I
HIST113 - American History I
NUTR105 - Introduction to Nutrition
PHED130 - Fitness I
PHIL201 - Introduction to Philosophy
POLS110 - American National Government
PSYC103 - Introduction to Psychology
PSYC258 - Developmental Psychology
PUBH100 - Intro to Healthcare Careers
PUBH101 - Introduction to Public Health
SOCA102 - Cultural Anthropology
SOCA103 - Principles of Sociology

ARTA107 - Drawing I (B)
ARTA161 - Ceramics (B)
BIOS105 - Contemporary Biology (O)
BIOS115 - Essentials of Biology (B) 
BIOS180 - Introduction to Forensic Science (O)
BIOS204 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I (B, P)
BIOS254 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II (B, O, P)
BUSA101 - Introduction to Business (O)
BUSA232 - Principles of Marketing (O)
CHEM135 - Chemistry of Life (B)
CHEM220 - General Chemistry II (P)
CISC101 - Introduction to Information Technology (O)
CMTH275 - Media Production Internship (O)
COMM101 - Introduction to Communication (B, P)
CULA137 - Culinary Operations (B)
ECON201 - Macroeconomics (O)
ECON251G - Microeconomics (O)
ENGL101 - English I (B, O, P)
ENGL151L - English II (B, O, P)
ESLL008 - English Vocabulary II (B)
HIST103 - Ancient and Medieval History (B)
HIST113 - American History I (B, O, P)
MATH140 - College Algebra (O)
MATH145 - Trigonometry (O)
MATH180 - Calculus I (O)
MATH181 - Calculus II (O)
MDLA103 - Elementary Spanish I (B)
MDLA113 - Elementary Spanish II (B)
PHIL201 - Introduction to Philosophy (B)
PHIL202G - Ethics and Moral Problems (B)
POLS110 - American National Government (O, P)
PSYC103 - Introduction to Psychology (B, O, P)
PSYC258 - Developmental Psychology (B)
SOCA102 - Cultural Anthropology (B, O)
SOCA103 - Principles of Sociology (O, P)

All of this term's courses are online.


COLS101 - College Success
ENGL151L - English II
ENGL203G - Shakespeare
HIST113 - American History I
HIST163 - American History II
HIST166 - Civil War and Reconstruction
NUTR105 - Introduction to Nutrition
PHIL201 - Introduction to Philosophy
POLS101 - Introduction to Political Science
POLS110 - American National Government
PSYC103 - Introduction to Psychology
PSYC258 - Developmental Psychology
PUBH102 - Introduction to Psychology
PUBH103 - Social & Cultural Perspectives of Health
SOCA102 - Cultural Anthropology
SOCA103 - Principles of Sociology
SOCA125 - Sociology of Families

Our summer flex courses have unique start and end dates.

ARTA162 - Sculpture (F)
BAKE155 - Classic Cakes and Tortes (B)
BAKE160 - Cookies and Petite Desserts (B)
BAKE165 - Plated Desserts (B)
COLS101 - College Success (O)
COMM101 - Introduction to Communication (O)
CRFT250 - Craft Practicum (O)
CULA123 - Menu Planning and Food and Beverage Cost Control (O)
CULA145 - Culinary and Restaurant Operations (B)
CULA230 - Global Cuisine (B)
CULA275 - Capstone - Plating and Fine Dining (B)
DENH212 - Pharmacology (O)
DMGS173 - Clinical Education II (B)
DMGS174 - Clinical Education II (B)
DMGS182 - Vascular Clinical Education III (B)
DMGS225 - Cardiac Clinical Education III (B)
DMGS243 - Abdominal & Vascular Clinical Education V (B)
DMGS244 - Clinical Education V (B)
DMGS251 - Cardiac Pathophysiology II
ELTC101 - Electrical Fundamentals (B)
ELTC135 - Electrical Motors and Controls (B)
EMEC114 - Mechanical Skills for the Trades (B)
HOSP221G - Hospitality Management Practicum (O)
HVAC101 - Fundamentals of HVAC/Refrigeration I (B)
RADT147 - Clinical Practice III (B)
WELD123 - Advanced Plate Welding Processes (B)

Current Students

If you need assistance applying, choosing the right classes or have questions about Financial Aid, schedule time with our Enrollment Services Team, either in person or virtually. You should also meet with their academic advisor prior to registering.


Guest/Visiting Students

If you're currently enrolled at another college and plan on taking courses at NCC to have credits transfer back to your home institution, find out your next steps here.


Prospective/First time Students:

First, complete an application in our Admissions Portal. Next, complete the steps outlined on our enrollment checklist.

Next Steps

With 120+ high-quality programs at a highly affordable cost, you can build specialized skills to advance in your career path — fast. And with flexible class formats and convenient locations, it's never been easier to join us.